Senin, 05 Februari 2018


The time when my group went for a presentation in the electro night class, I did not follow the prensentation because I was working late afternoon or shift two and I entered the course in the morning class of electro. And I was given the task by the Lecturer to make a presentation video to get the value.
This is the material I present in the video.


wildan    :hello brother
sandy      :hello brother
wildan    :how are you?
sandy      :alhamdulillah i'm fine
wildan     :where do you live now?
sandy      :i live in cipondoh tangerang
wildan     :Wher are you, working now?
sandy      :i work in mayora group
wildan    :what is your position at work?
sandy      :i'm a technical engineer
wildan    :what do you do?
sandy      :i fix electrical damage,such as repairing electric power outlet,fixing and installing AC

sandy     :where do you work?
wildan   :i work in PT Erajaya Group distributor of mobile phone
sandy     :what positions are you working there,and what do you do?
wildan   :i work engineering utility,fixing damage that concorns about electricity and buildings

sandy    :okay wildan rush there is a job that i must do,se you again.

Song Lyric 5w+1h

1.) what happen to us?
     "Agnes monica-things will get better"

2.)wen you werw so happy?
    "jason chen- besttt friends"

3.)how did we, we fav in love so unexpetedly?
    "jason chen-unexpetedly"

4.)why you come through shut dwon mall?
    "iggy Azalea-switch"

5.)who that I-G-G-Y?
     "Iggy Azalea-fancy"

6.)where noting will ever be enough?

     "katty pery-roar"

Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

Story 16 (UAS)

Sixteenth meeting, UAS Semester 1 starts at 18: 30-20.00. After dividing the questionnaire and answer sheets, this book contains a picture and from that picture I have to make a story at least 20 sentences. The first thing I say is the picture is me, I tell you about my hobbies, my place of residence and birth date, and I tell my family. After that I make a story about the work of drawing, from which work? How long have you been working? what part do i work on? and lastly I told you about the tools in the picture.

Story 15

The fifteenth meeting, this time the lecturer discusses the grid for UAS, and the requirements for following the UAS, and the students are advised to bring the dictionary during UAS. His grid consists of drawing problems and students have to make a story from the image.

Story 14

Fourteenth Meeting, Lecturer This meeting explains the talk of work related to electrical engineering. After that the lecturer gives the task to the students to talk about his work. I was paired with Fire Akromer to chat. After the conversation is over, we move forward to practice it and the lecturer will judge from the conversation.

Story 13

Thirteenth meeting, this lecturer meeting explained about Simple Present Tense and Simple Past Tense sentence example. The lecturer gives example for positiv sentences (+), Negative sentence (-), and question (?). After that the lecturer gave the assignment to the students to make a sentence using Simple Present Tense formula and Simple Past Tense.

Story 12

Twelfth meeting, this time meeting is almost the same as the ninth meeting, the lecturer explains the vocabulary related to electro and then the lecturer gives the students to make the related vocabulary about electro as much as possible.

Story 11

The eleventh meeting, the fifth group presentation entitled Electrical Engineering. Group five consists of 1. Cesar Mikho 2. M. Chaerul Holis 3. Nurul Rizki Kuncoro. Nurul Rizki Kuncoro as moderator, Cesar Mikho as speaker, M. Chaerul Holis as answering if any questions.

Story 10

The tenth meeting, a fourth group presentation entitled Instrumentation Engineering. Group four consists of 1. Mukhlis Abdullah 2. Dian bachtiar 3. Ramdhani Putra 4.M.Ferry. Mukhlis Abdullah as moderator, Dian bachtiar and Ramdhani Putra as speakers, and M. Ferry as answerers if any questions.

Story 9

The ninth meeting, this lecture meeting explains the vocabulary related to electro and then the lecturer assigns the students to make the related vocabulary about electro as much as possible.

NAME       : M.Chaerudin Maisandi
NIM          :

Mechanical ( Mekanik)
 Tespen (tespen)
Assemble (Merakit)
Programe (Pemogram)
Computer (Komputer)
Lecturers (Dosen)
 Pen (Pulpen)
Educate (Mengajar)
Technician (Teknisi)
Cable (Kabel)
Repair (Perbaikan)
Mining (Pertambangan)
Cable (Kabel)
Repair (Perbaikan)
Enterprenuer (Wieausaha)
Solder (Solder)
Connect (Menyambung)
Telcom (Telekomunikasi)
Computer (Komputer)
Pass on (Menyampaikan)
Pass onned
Pass onned
Construction ( Kontruksi)
Pen (Pulpen)
Design (Merancang)
Civil Servent (PNS)
Computer (Komputer)
Arrange (Mengatur)
Electrical (Kelistrikan)
Cable (Kabel)
Repair (Perbaikan)
Maintenance (Memelihara)
Computer (Komputer)
Tell (Memberitahu)
Manufacturing (Manufaktur)
Computer (Komputer)
Sell (Menjual)

Story 8 (UTS)

The eighth meeting, first UTS in semester 1, UTS starting from 08:30-10:00. Usually the exam supervisor is his lecturer but this time different I do not know the supervisor. when the supervisor has distributed the question and answer paper, I immediately fill the question. the first problem is not so difficult but so on mingkin less understand so not quite understand. time is showing 10:00 finish is not finished I collect.

Story 7

The seventh meeting, a third group presentation under the title The Use Of Electromagnet. the third group consists of 1. A.Ridwan and 2.Nurdin Nuryadin. A.Ridwan as moderator as well as speaker and as answering if any questions. and nurdin Nuryadin as the Presenters.

Story 6

In this week more precisely on Thursday is the third day of presentation. The group to be presentations are Fachrurrozi, Ardiansyah and Alif Bayu groups. Their group wants to present the "Binary Number". I think their group is very nice, because of one of them who fluently speak english. Although fluent in English, still from Ms.Rella there is a correction of verbal / nominal and others. Maybe that's just the story of today. Maybe that's just the diary today, thank you for attention.

Story 5

This week is the second day of the presentation. The group to be presentations are Gilang, Rizky, Rio and Saiful groups. The group presented an article entitled "Control System". Their presentation is very good only their article is too long so much correction from Ms.Rella. They immediately justify the wrong, after the presentation as usual other peers rate them also in the English Debate and Presentation Practice. Maybe that's just the diary today, thank you for attention.

Story 4

Assalamuallaikum Wr.Wb
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
This week is the first day of the presentation. The group that will advance is the group of Anga, Anisa and Ilham. They presented a short article sourced from google. Their presentation is pretty good even though there is halal from an article about a too short article that is just a few sentences. After completing the presentation of their group, I immediately spoke in English Debate and Presentation. Maybe it's just a diary today, thanks for the attention.
Wasalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Story 3

In this english course course mrs.Rella tutorial brief article. we edit material consisting of nine to ten people.

each group has its own article. we should also make inquiries with the 5w1h formula, looking for nominal words or verbal words and much more to look for in the article.

After some time we do group work, finally mrs.Rella also help answer the article.

Next week we will look at the groups that present their articles, and make verbal or non-verbal words, and much more to do.

Story 2

At last week's meeting we continued their coordination. Mrs.Rella told us to make a short article on electrical engineering.
He also promised to love A's grades while collecting duties and diligent during English courses. Mrs. Rella explains her short article, and explains what is in her short article. we are assigned to make a short article themed electrical engineering.
For the next meeting mrs.Rella will give an example of how to make a good short article right. Follow this story, see you next week.

First Meeting

On a certain day, Friday I attend English lessons at Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang. A lecturer who taught English lecture named Pak Zalzulifa but he could not attend and was replaced by a replacement lecturer named NyRella Dwi Rospati.

Mrs. Rella Dwi Respati says to start introducing herself and mentioning materials and lecture contracts at semster one. He also told us not to fuss during the English lessons. We are required to have a notebook, blog and pocket dictionary.

Mrs. Rella Dwi Respati told us to introduce ourselves. The introduction begins with the name, place, date of birth, age, hobbies, graduates, the reasons for choosing electrical engineering at UMT, and work.

The first meeting was spent on the introduction of all students who took English lessons.